Our Garden, Mom and Me!
Every spring my mom and I plant a garden
We start in the dirt and dig with a hoe,
We get the ground ready by clearing the weeds
Preparing the soil so the vegetables will grow.
All the veggies have their own certain spot
The corn in the back, the lettuce up front.
The middle was filled with all kinds of yummy stuff,
Cucumbers, potatoes, peppers, and tomatoes.
Now working a garden is a real trying job,
You work and work in the hot afternoon sun
There are weeds to pull and plants to water
But it is all worth it for a fresh side of corn dipped in butter.
We eat from our garden all summer long
Fruit and veggies from the garden we have grown
Mom never waste a single precious plant
We make jellies, jams, and preserve whatever we can.
I'm a gardener, too, so I loved your poem.